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Posted on July 13, 2020July 21, 2020SUMMER ACTIVITIES 19 -20 INVERSIONSDownload inversion electrician at work KEYDownload COLLOCATIONSDownload HAVE SOMETHING DONEDownload PHRASAL VERBSDownload REFLEXIVE PRONOUNSDownload USED TO WOULDDownload WISH IF ONLYDownload EITHER NEITHER OR NORDownload VERB PATTERNSDownload WORD ORDERDownload
Posted on July 13, 2020July 20, 2020SUMMER ACTIVITIES 19 – 20 four tenses present simple past simple present continuous past continuous worksheetDownload FOUR TENSES key PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUSDownload BE GOING TODownload WILLDownload second conditionalDownload SECOND CONDITIONAL A WORD OF ADVICE KEYDownload prepositions of movement esl grammar exercises worksheetDownload prepositions of place 1Download prepositions of time in on at esl grammar exercises worksheetDownload
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Posted on June 11, 2020June 11, 2020QUICK TEST AND FILE TEST 4 EF3e_intplus_quicktest_04Download EF3e_intplus_quicktest_04_keyDownload EF3e_intplus_filetest_04aDownload file 4 scriptDownload EF3e_intplus_filetest_04_answerkeyDownload
Posted on June 10, 2020June 29, 2020Material per a no imprimir recursos extraDownload Grammar_answers (1)Download
Posted on June 10, 2020June 10, 2020Quick test and File test 10 EF3e_beg_quicktest_10Download EF3e_beg_quicktest_10_keyDownload EF3e_beg_filetest_10_aDownload listening file 10 scriptDownload key file test 10 ADownload