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Posted on June 10, 2020June 10, 2020Quick test and File test 10 EF3e_beg_quicktest_10Download EF3e_beg_quicktest_10_keyDownload EF3e_beg_filetest_10_aDownload listening file 10 scriptDownload key file test 10 ADownload
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Posted on May 22, 2020May 27, 2020Around the house: vocabulary VOCABULARY AND PRACTICE house_vocab1_1Download Furniture and Appliances 4Download the house voc in useDownload the house voc in use keyDownload PHOTOS TO DESCRIBE kitchenDownload bathroomDownload dining roomDownload Living room 2Download bedroomDownload study roomDownload theHouseDownload
Posted on May 15, 2020May 20, 2020there is – there are: chart and practice there is there are furnitureDownload there is are furnitureDownload grammar 10 A there is there areDownload gram 8b elem there is areDownload there is there are exDownload there is there are essentialDownload
Posted on May 13, 2020May 14, 2020Revision Present simple – Present cont revisió present simple present continuousDownload key pres simpl pres cont revisióDownload