Homework 24th and 25th March:

  1. Revise the vocabulary about music on page 88 exercises 1 a, b, c




Grammar: page 220 Read the information on page 220 and do the activities on page 221 6C (a-b)

Writing: exercise 3 page 89. Write the answers to the questions on exercise 3. Do not write the questions only your answers. For example: ” I like listening to pop music. I never go to concerts. I always look for song lyrics on the internet….” Send your answers to my email : gemma.oliver.baldovi@gmail.com

Watch and listen: exercise 5 on page 89. Do activities 5 (a, b, c)

Homework: days 17th and 18th March

Ací teniu les solucions dels exercicis de la pàgina 221

Més exercicis per repassar l’ús del gerundi després dels verbs like, love, hate,enjoy. Les solucions les penge la setmana que ve.

Seguint els textos de la pàgina 87 escriviu sobre vosaltres. Aci vos deixe un fulla que podeu utilitzar. També em podeu enviar un correu amb el que heu escrit.



Possibility and certainty key:

  1. can’t, 2. may / might / could 3. must, 4. must, 5. may / might / could, 6. can’t, 7. must , 8.can’t, 9. may / might / could , 10. can’t, 11. may / might / could, 12. can’t 13. may / might / could, 14. must, 15. may / might / could, 16. must / may / might / could, 17. can’t , 18. must, 19. must , 20. may / might / could