Posted on July 13, 2020January 30, 2021 by gemmaSummer activities 19 – 20 Grammar1-ToBe_2611Download Grammar1-HaveGot_2614Download eposs1e1Download possessive adjectives KEYDownload can can’tDownload CAN CAN’T KEYDownload present simple julias family esl reading text gap fill exercise worksheetDownload adverbs of frequency worksheet 1Download ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY KEYDownload present simple mr typewriter daily routines esl dialogue exercises worksheetDownload Grammar4-PresentSimplePresentCont_2647Download present simple and continuousDownload key present simple present continuousDownload reading textsDownload reading texts KEYDownload was wereDownload past simple to be keyDownload ordinal numbers and months puzzle worksheetDownload FurnitureThereisDownload furniture there is there are keyDownload like, love, hate + ingDownload like love hate + ing KEYDownload SUBJECT AND OBJECT PERSONAL PRONOUNSDownload